Wednesday, June 25, 2014

From a Tissue Sketch...

This is one case where I'm happy I inspired another artist to grab the growler and run with it.

I did the initial rough sketch (below) on tissue paper as a direction for Central Coast Brewing to go with a shirt design; maybe three years ago. I didn't have the time or resources to bring it to fruition at the time. The artist/illustrator who was contracted definitely had the style I would have looked for to finish the job. I'll take my payment in beer, thanks.

Order yours on the website.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Mural Progress

I think I'm done. The side of my studio has been the outdoor painting area for the last month and a half. Initially, it was a project conceived three years ago as part of Santa Margarita Beautiful. Back then, we gathered eager volunteers from the Santa Margarita Community Church and cleaned, painted and revitalized this little downtown blight. This mural is either the last installment of that project or the beginning of something new...
The walkers on the railroad access road have watched the progress and have been inquiring about it. For the curious, I wrote in chalk: "THIS ART IS A GIFT TO MY TOWN." CONTRIBUTE! It's meant to be a rally cry that you can make a difference by being a part of your community and giving.

The title of the mural is: "Springtime Poppies Under a Contrail Sky".