Today I woke up melancholy. Slow to motivate, just want to sleep in. It's been happening more often than not. The morning air was crisp and the breeze picked up earlier than usual. It's Fall on the central coast with frost on the rooftop and clear, sharp colors in the sky. After gathering my gear I headed into San Luis Obispo to Mitchell Park for SLO Bike Kitchen. There I watched people clean, ask questions and help each other and fix their own bikes. I see and feel the communion between like minded regular people. I feel connected. I miss that.
These are not track bike posers, nor are they the carbon fiber wankers. They want to understand their bikes; what makes them work, or not work and FIX them with their own two hands. I think that's all very good and empowering. This small boost to my spirit was enough to get me on with the ride. I suited up and sprinted through town to the south end and down the frontage road to Avila in good spirits.
thumbs up!