There are better ways to get your word out.
I'm usually one to shoot down online web casts. It's not the information presented but in the past, but the delivery method. There's a solution that is easy to sign up, get your reminder, and bring professional presentors that deliver the subject in an entertaining package as it should be. PLUS the best part - it's free. It's called I'm tuning in tomorrow for this one: Six ettiquette rules to avoid office holiday faux pas I'm not attending any, and have seen enough "faux pasises" to know what to avoid (is jamming with the rental band considered a faux pas?) Anyway, it will be my entertainment tomorrow morning and should get me in the holiday spirit. Look up Michael Hart and catch his next delivery.
Thanks for the great comments. You're right webcasting is exploding in popularity and is definately the "wave". Unlike podcasting, webinars allow the audience to not only see visuals but participate as well. And the Bright Talk platform is remarkable